
HOWTO: Unattended rdiff-backup + multiple commands

Here’s a small addition to Dean Gaudet’s tutorial on how to set up rdiff-backup for secure, unattended remote backups.

The scenario: you want host1 to pull backups from:

host2 : /var/log
host2 : /var/www

You’ve set everything up:

  • A non-root user on host1 called backupuser which initiates the backup
  • SSH private/public keys for backupuser
  • Added backupuser’s public key to host2:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • An entry for host2 preconfigured in host1:~/.ssh/config as explained in the original tutorial.

Then you find out that in authorized_keys, you can only limit backupuser to run one command, not multiple:

root@host2:~# cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
command="commandname" ssh-rsa FBwfijwefwB(...etc...)

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